I arrived and left Delhi India without getting sick, i've made it through 2 weeks of cautious but open eating, taking probiotics everyday, the occasional dose of oil of oregano. Now, on a clean ayurvedic diet in my ashram I have fallen.
I shall be humbly honest with those that read the following... The nausea has turned into poppee, yes poopee, poo that is more like pee. Others may call it travelers diarrhea, everyone has their own expressive communication.
If it is not something more TD usually doesn't last more than 3-4 days, depending on the servarity, most travellers need not do anything and it should clear within those days. For mild you may get poopee instead of your usual daily movementmovement this may include nausea or stomach cramping, it may increase in the amount of times you need to visit ( in my case the squatty) but don't grab for that " just in case" antibiotic just yet. Try the suggestions below, they will help to keep you microflora in balance which is important for the rest of you trip. If it does not clear in a number of days please do search out an aryurvedic or allopathic doctor. If symptoms are more severe, include a high fever, or get worse please consult with a doctor.
I tell you this in hopes that it will help you with your prepacking plans and as an introduction into my travel kit to ward off colds, clean wounds, sanitize water (and your intestines) in emergency situations.
First things first, oil of oregano, its small and can be taken as carry on, will ward of colds, will act on bacterial invasions and can be taken daily if needed.70+% carvacrol content and a laboratory certificate of analysis is best to find and is what you will come across in most north America health food stores.
The oil of oregano is a portable, liquid antibacterial, antiseptic. swishing into mouth prior to swimming in suspect waters, pouring over wounds, etc.. For preventive purposes, simply put 5-10 drops straight into your mouth or into a glass of water a couple times a day – and you take a 20-30 drop dose if you get “exposed” to something.
The second would be charcoal tablets, these will absorb toxins made by the foreign culture in your intestines but may also absorb the good as well, make sure to take it away from any probiotics, vitamins, minerals, or medications.
Probiotics are a great travel mate and I take them everyday, upping the dose to 3-4 capsules if I feel something is up. Probiotics can be tricky while traveling as they need to be kept cool. My brand of choice while away from my fridge is Renew Life, it's vegan and contains a transient strain to help balance on any continent. This perticular capsule does not need to be refrigerated.
The last must have is good old faithful, iodine. It can be used to disinfect water in emergency and back country situations. 5 drops of 2% in 1 litre of water. To wash fruits and vegetables while traveling, use 15 drops per litre of soaking water. Remembering that it takes 30 mins for the iodine to fully kill bacterium and parasites. Iodine is well used as a disinfectant for cuts and scrapes so its a good all round product and it can be found in most pharmacy stores and stands around the world.
Remember to rehydrate and balance you electrolytes with coconut water or a pinch of salt and sugar if nothing better is available. For every bout you should drink 200ml more of water than the usual 2l you should be drinking in the day.
I have kept taking probiotics morning, midday, and evening, in between meals. Oil of oregano in every bottle of water I drink, and I'm holding off on the charcoal tablets as I'm not too bad off. Hoping for a quick recovery...
Healthy, whole travels to you!