Of all the confusing dietary advice there is out there, I find a few guidelines I stand firmly behind for everyone.
- Always invest in the highest quality foods possible; local, organic, hormone free, free range, no artificial anything. Eat real food.
- Always slow down and be present while eating. No distractions, chew properly, and appreciate your nourishment.
- Stop the negative self talk and start a better conversation, Does this nourish me well? Listen to your body's answer. Heed it's warnings; digestive upset, skin issues, inflammation, or illness. Commit to knowing and understanding what YOUR unique body wants, craves, likes, dislikes, with all of its senses not confined to just taste. What helps you to THRIVE, not just survive?
Everyone is so unique so everyone's diet and health regime will vary. There is no one perfect way to eat and be healthy, there are endless paths to vibrant health. Search yours out, educate yourself, and if you are looking for support or guidance on your path, draw professional and knowledgeable people into your health circle, find ones you resonate with, and invest in something amazing, you!