So as an adult, not having Nana's recipe, I start from scratch. It's amazing what you can come up with, with just a little experimenting and an idea.
I Started with
1 cup Almond Flour/ Meal (finely ground)
1 1/2 tbsp of Coconut Butter
1 tsp Vanilla Extract (optional)
1 tbsp Maple Syrup
I put this mix in my blender and mixed until consistent dough like substance appeared, if it looks a little wet add a tbsp of almond flour at a time to get a rollable doughy mix.
At this point this is marzipan, Yeay! How will you finish them you ask??
Sprinkle shredded or powdered Dark chocolate or coconut shreds in the bottom of a bowl.
Spoon out small amounts of the marzipan and roll it into a ball, then gently roll the ball through the chocolate or coconut shreds.
Place on a cookie sheet or parchment and place them in the fridge for an hour to firm up.
After that, enjoy!
My later batches I added lemon zest then rolled them in coconut, and added shreds and ginger juice to the mix and rolled it in the dark chocolate for a spicy, sweet treat.
Be creative with what you have, experiment, try new combinations and enjoy the healthy journey.