I developed this recipe in a time of needing warm, comforting foods, paired with a salad or steamed veggies, it's made it's way into regular rotation through the colder winter months so I thought I might share.. Hope you like it.
Lentil Base:
Soak 2 cups of green lentils for up to 24 hrs, (or as little as 1hr) rinse well
Cook 2 cups of lentils in 5-6 cups filtered water, cook on low temp until the water is gone.
while this is cooking, chop finely, 2 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1 onion, 3-4 garlic cloves, and organic (frozen) corn. Put all of these into the cooking lentils.
Towards the end when there is less liquid, add 2-3 tbsp of powdered shiitake mushroom to the pot, with a pinch or oregano, rosemary, and sea salt.
(I powdered whole mushrooms with a task specific coffee grinder. I use this to grind nuts, seeds, and now dried mushrooms with great success)
Sweet Potato Topping:
2 medium size sweet potatoes should work, in this particular go I mixed them with 2 smaller organic potatoes. Boil them with the skins for apx 20 mins until tender.
Drain the excess water into a measuring cup and add 1/2 a cup of this to the lentil base, then give it a stir. The rest can be discarded.
Mash the potatoes with a 1/8 cup of coconut butter, or olive oil also works nicely. I love chunky potatoes for this but experiment and create what you like! A dash of sea salt and black pepper and you're ready to top the lentils.
Pair with your favorite steamed veggie, or fresh salad and enjoy!
This recipe make 6 large servings.
The happy helper, shiitake, has great immune boosting properties and is considered an adaptogenic food. shiitake mushrooms are rich in B vitamins—they are an excellent of pantothenic acid, a very good source of vitamin B2, and a good source of vitamin B6, niacin, choline, and folate. Important when you're dealing with stress or there is internal stress from the body itself like wound healing, menopause, or chronic fatigue.
Lentils are high in fibre and have resistant starch , along side sweet potatoes, which are good for feeding friendly bacteria in the colon. Not only does this increase your body's ability to burn fat, but it also fills you up and reduces overall hunger. Its health benefits are truly impressive. Studies show it improves blood sugar control, boosts immunity, and may even reduce your cancer risk.
If they give you digestive upset or you are new to eating them, start slow, and increase the amounts over time. For immediate relief of gas and discomfort from lentils and beans I suggest a full spectrum plant digestive enzyme along with probiotics that can enhance digestion and promote healthy intestinal flora, until you are better able to handle these foods.
One of the most important things to remember is how to process these foods to lower digestive upset, so if you didn't check out the link at the beginning of the post I might suggest to have a look see now.
These are general suggestions and if you have ongoing digestive issues this is not intended for medical advice, please see your main health care practitioner to discuss your issues.
Thrive in Health!